Monday, March 19, 2007

To Do List

My to do list for previz, before the end of the semester (it helps me not freak out if I can see all the things I have to do listed):

-finalized story beats
-finalized story boards
-2D animatic

-proof of concept animation / technical research
--character rigging and animation
--bubbling water dynamics
--fire / burning dynamics or shaders
--dragon skin texture
--water dripping off the dragon
--dragon embryo forming underwater

-finalized or near finalized design
--well / vat
--book / manual

-research paper
--mainly dragon films and animations

-3D animatic
--basic models
--basic textures

The story beats, story boards, and 2D animatic will be coming within the next two weeks. Probably. Hopefully.

1 comment:

Thomas Holcombe said...

John, good idea to have a "to do List". It keeps you on track, especially with all the class projects going on, I need to do one myself. As for the referance pics you have, I thought that your idea was to be outside, but from what you have shown I like them all, I'm sort of thinking of the fantasia seen with Micky, The sorcerer's apprentic. That look kind of appeals to me. I'm a Disney freak
-Good luck Tom